Friday, December 16, 2011

Gross motor skill development

Here is the chart for Sam's motor skill development. You can see he will lag behind average height kids a bit.

It's been too long!

Things have been crazy around here lately!

Sam had his PT appointment and moderate torticollis was confirmed. He has stretches that we need to do each day to try to help his muscles to untighten. He seems to be doing a bit better.

He's also trying to roll over. He is trying so so hard but gets stuck on his head. So cute though!

He has a lot of lower body strength. He uses those legs to make circles in his crib and to push himself around the floor. Hopefully his upper body catches up soon.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Sam had his appointment with the Neurosurgeon. I had worked a very intense night shift the night before and had been awake since roughly 10 PM the night before. I managed to stay awake until 2 PM that day!

Anyway, we reviewed Sam's MRIs. I saw his spinal constriction and it didn't look like the images I saw online of severe compression. The doctor recommended we repeat the MRI at 1 year unless Sam has symptoms of spinal compression. He said it wasn't something to be concerned about, we just need to follow it closely.

Sam's head circumference was 44.5 cms, which puts him solidly at the 50th percentile for achondroplasia. I plotted his head circumference from the last few times he was measured and he has been moving up the 50th percentile curve the past few months. Perfect!

I get the feeling he's staying at the 75th percentile or greater height-wise. His last measurement was 21.5 inches, which was 75-85th percentile. We'll see December 27th or so when he has his 4 month appointment.

Next up is PT on the 7th.